$2,500.00 USD

Advanced Investing Strategies - Kevin Smith


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"Building Your Path to Financial Freedom: Advanced Strategies for Investing & Option Trading"


If you are not sure if this course is right for you, ask yourself these questions:

1) Do you feel ready to take your investing and/or option trading education to the next level?
2) Do you feel like you have the basic principles or concepts down, but you don’t feel confident in your understanding of “why” we do the things we’ve been taught to do?
3) Are you starting to make some money from what you’ve learned but you don’t know what to do next with that new money to keep it growing?
4) Do you want to get a plan together to get from where you are now, to being able to leave your job, sell your company, or just do whatever you want?
5) Do you want to learn how to build a risk-balanced portfolio as you grow your capital?
6) Do you want to learn how to find great investments and know when to buy or when to sell them?
7) Do you want to learn some new option trading strategies to add to your trading toolbox?
8) Do you want to know more about how to start a hedge fund or make money by investing or trading other people’s money?  
9) Have others asked you to take money already and you don’t know how to proceed?
10) Have you heard about some of the investing opportunities that have been shared with Edgewater (ie. The NRFL, Node Nexus Network, Tonbo Media Group, etc.) but you don’t know where to start in evaluating a private company?
11) Do you just want to learn from someone who’s done it; someone who started with no prior knowledge, no money, no skill in this stuff, and very little time…nothing but a little training and a computer on the internet…and they changed their entire life beyond what they ever could have dreamed….and they’re just an average person like you? Someone you can relate to who can show you the way?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, there is something in this class for you.  The more questions you answered yes to, the more you will get from the class.

Pre-requisite Training:

Students must have already taken some training in value investing and option trading either from Kevin in the past or from Edgewater’s Foundational Courses (if you have taken other training you can discuss if it qualifies for the pre-requisite requirements with Kevin).

Course Highlights:

1. Introduction and Portfolio Planning
Learn the fundamentals of investing, the importance of diversification, and the power of compounding.
Develop a personalized investment strategy tailored to your financial goals.
2. Finding Companies to Invest In
Discover how to identify the best companies with durable competitive advantages.
Utilize insights from industry leaders and professional value investors to make informed decisions.
3. Timing Your Investments
Master techniques to determine the right time to buy and sell stocks.
Understand various valuation methods and employ tranching and cost averaging strategies.
4. Options Strategies
Explore options for owning stocks and generating cash flow.
Learn advanced options strategies such as breakouts, pullbacks, and long straddles.
5. Trading Options and Volatility Strategies
Dive into premium structures and volatility-based trading strategies.
Gain expertise in credit spreads, LEAPS, and trading events.
6. Protection Trades and Volatility Crushes
Implement protection trades like married puts and collars.
Utilize system trades and backtesting to refine your strategies and ensure success.

 There is no one way to achieve financial freedom.  But there is a path that thousands have followed and ultimately reached what I call their “Freedom Point”.  That moment in time when all the work they’ve put into learning a new skill is now creating enough income, that they can change what they do for a living.  They can work because they WANT to work, not because they HAVE to work.  They can choose to spend their time on things they are passionate about and love doing, not trading their time for a paycheck.  

The instructor of the class, Kevin Smith, has taught tens of thousands of people the basics of value investing and option trading over the past 10 years.  He has helped thousands of those people who had never invested before learn more advanced strategies and find their own unique path to financial freedom…..many of whom today have already achieved their own “Freedom Point” and radically changed their lives.  He will share lessons, revelations and strategies from his own path to financial freedom, beginning when he was living as a single Dad in a 12X12 room in a basement because he couldn’t afford to pay rent, having $811 in his bank accounts, $2700 in his 401K, being almost $450,000 in debt, working 80+ hours a week making others wealthy while he was left living off of less than $25K/yr. This was his situation when this proven path to financial freedom was first shared with him.  His personal journey included him studying value investing and option trading during the only free time he had, the middle of the night…..for months, until he felt he knew enough to start trading for real. However, he didn’t have enough money to even open a brokerage account, let alone buy shares of some company or do a single option trade.  So he pulled his canoe out of storage and sold it on CraigsList to raise enough capital he could afford to open his first brokerage account. From there, his journey began by trading a single option contract once a month for $1,000 of risk.  Little by little he added to his knowledge and over the next 4 years, he saved his money, did side jobs to make more where he could, kept his expenses as low as possible, and compounded his capital.  After 4 years of incredibly hard work taking one little step at a time down his personal path, he finally was able to pay off his debt….a year earlier than he had planned! The following year, he was able to quit his career in corporate America to start his own private hedge fund because he had built such an incredible track record, averaging 31% annual growth in total capital for over 8 years! That year, he made twice what he had ever made in his career, so he bought an engagement ring worth more than any car he had ever owned and married the woman who had stood by his side that entire time while island hopping in the French Polynesian Islands on a private yacht for 10 days.  The rest is history………and an incredible daily adventure.

Kevin now spends his spare time helping others build their own personal path to financial freedom.  He incorporates his own experiences and the things he wished others had shared with him as he was on his own journey.  Kevin has a gift for being able to explain complex concepts in simple terms using real life examples, and analogies and parables whenever possible.  He teaches not only“what” each strategy entails, but also “why” we do it a certain way and what happens if we don’t. His students have described his teaching style as extremely detailed, patient, fun and entertaining….often using his own successes and failures as critical teaching points.  His ultimate desire is to have his students learn the things he wished someone had taught him, so they are able to reach their freedom point faster than he did. He has taught students from 14 years old (who averaged 68% return his first year) to an 87-year-oldwidower (who had never used a computer in his life but learned to do his own research so he could call his broker to have him make the purchases of shares in the companies he wanted in his portfolio). His students have come from every corner of the world and hail from over 40 countries and cultures including Haiti, the Congo, Vietnam, Chile, Australia, Russia, New Zealand, Brazil, Singapore, Argentina, Columbia, Finland, Philippines, India, South Africa, Argentina, Egypt, all over America, Canada and Europe and many more.  He has taught stay-at-home Moms, students, doctors, Cirque Du Soleil trainers, attorneys, realtors, corporate executives, automotive mechanics, teachers, missionaries, professors, retirees, business owners, software developers and hundreds of other skillsets.  The point is this, if someone is willing to do the work, Kevin can effectively communicate the skills they need to change their life.

This class is considered an intermediate to advanced class because it is designed for students who already have an understanding of the basics of investing and option trading; and will build on those basic concepts to fill in gaps in the concepts that may not be evident yet, to help students understand why they are taught to do things certain ways and what happens when you do things differently. The class helps students identify their own personal path to their unique freedom point, where they can live off the money they already have or choose to keep compounding it while they are free to work because they want to and at a job they enjoy.  It also helps students understand how to build a risk balanced portfolio while still adhering to value investing principles that keep things simple. The class will also introduce a couple new trading strategies that they can use either every week or occasionally when the market offers us very unique scenarios that we can exploit…sometimes for huge gains. Lastly the class will also introduce two concepts that others have used to accelerate their journey to financial freedom: 1) managing other people’s money for profit and 2) investing in private equity.

 Enroll Today!

Classes start on July 3rd and run every Wednesday from 2:00-3:00 PM EST, with a follow-up session on Mondays from 8:00-9:00 PM EST. Enrollment is open until the end of July or until the class is full. Secure your spot and embark on your journey to financial freedom!

Once you have signed up, you can contact Kevin to schedule a pre-course introductory call.

Contact: Kevin Smith | [email protected] | 678-231-0405