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Edgewater Education Terms of Use


Welcome to Edgewater.education (the “Site”), provided by Edgewater Education. These terms and conditions of use may be changed in the future without further notice. Your continued use of this Site and any Products or Services offered through this Site after any such changes is your acceptance of the new terms. Further, these terms and conditions apply exclusively to your access to, and use of, this Site and do not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other agreement you may have with Edgewater Education.

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This Agreement (“Agreement”) is by and between Edgewater Education (“us” or “we”) and you, as well as your representatives, agents, heirs, successors and assigns (“You”), and is made effective as of the date its electronic execution by You. This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of Your use of any software (“Software”) or services (“Services”) offered by Us on the Site, and explains our obligations to You and Your obligations to us in relation to your use of this Site and of any Products and Services You use or purchase through this Site.

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In addition to transactions entered into by You on Your behalf, You also agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement for transactions entered into on Your behalf by anyone acting as Your Agent, and transactions entered into by anyone who uses the account You’ve established with us, whether or not the transactions were on Your behalf. You acknowledge that our acceptance of any application made by You for Products or Services provided by us will take place in Peachtree, GA. 

Privacy Policy

You are required to have a Edgewater Education account to use this Site, and to use and access all of the Products and Services offered through this Site. Personal information you provide to us is governed by our privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”). Your election to use the Site, and any Products and Services indicates your acceptance of the terms of the Privacy Policy, so please review it carefully.

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General Terms of Agreement

You agree that we may modify this Agreement and the Products and Services from time to time. You agree to be bound by any changes we may make to this Agreement when such changes are made. If You have purchased Services or Products from us, the term of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect as long as You take advantage of and use the Products or Services. In the event You terminate Your usage, we will not refund any amounts You have paid. You agree that we shall not be bound by any representations made by third parties who You may use to purchase Services from us and that any statement of a general nature, which may be posted on this Site or contained in our promotional materials, will not bind us. We may, at times, offer certain promotions with different charges and features.

You agree that You will be responsible for notifying us should You desire to terminate Your use of our Services. Notification of Your intent to terminate must be sent by email to [email protected].

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Earl Q. Davis, Edgewater Education and associated logos are trademarks of Edgewater Education. and therefore may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without our prior written permission. In addition, all page headers, custom graphics, button icons and scripts are service marks, trademarks and/or trade dress of the Site and its individual pages may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without our prior written permission. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos on the Site are the property of their respective owners.

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You are required to have an Edgewater Education account to use this Site, and to use and access all of the Products and Services offered through this Site. Personal information you provide to us is governed by our privacy policy (the “Privacy Policy”). Click here to view the Privacy Policy. Your election to use the Site, and any Products and Services indicates your acceptance of the terms of the Privacy Policy, so please review it carefully.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and Your Account Information if applicable. You are responsible for all activities that occur in your account and you agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized account use. We are in no way responsible for any loss or damages that you may incur as a result of any unauthorized use of your user account or password.

General Terms of Agreement

You agree that we may modify this Agreement and the Products and Services from time to time. You agree to be bound by any changes we may make to this Agreement when such changes are made. If You have purchased Services or Products from us, the term of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect as long as You take advantage of and use the Products or Services. In the event You terminate Your usage, we will not refund any amounts You have paid. You agree that we shall not be bound by any representations made by third parties who You may use to purchase Services from us and that any statement of a general nature, which may be posted on this Site or contained in our promotional materials, will not bind us. We may, at times, offer certain promotions with different charges and features.

You agree that You will be responsible for notifying us should You desire to terminate Your use of our Services. Notification of Your intent to terminate must be sent by email to [email protected].

Copyright Ownership All Site materials, including, without limitation, our logo, design, text, graphics, other files, source code, and the selection and arrangement thereof are Copyright © 2020 Earl Q. Davis & Edgewater.education. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

None of the material on the Site may be copied, revised, modified, added to, reproduced, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, posted or transmitted by You in any form or by any means, including, but not limited to, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without our prior written permission. Permission is granted to display, copy, distribute and download the materials on this Site for Your personal, noncommercial and informational use only, provided that you may not, without our permission (a) copy, publish, distribute, or post any materials on any computer network or broadcast or publications media, (b) modify the materials or (c) remove or alter any copyright or other proprietary notices contained in the materials.


Earl Q. Davis, Edgewater Education and associated logos are trademarks of Edgewater Education. and therefore may not be copied, imitated or used, in whole or in part, without our prior written permission. In addition, all page headers.

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Edgewater Education PRIVACY NOTICE

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This Privacy Policy sets forth the policies and practices with respect to information or data that is received or gathered regarding members, visitors and users (collectively “you” and “your”). www.edgewater.education and all related sites of Edgewater Education may be referred to collectively as “www.edgewater.education”, “Edgewater Education”, “us”, “we”, “Site”, “Website” or “the Company” CAREFULLY READ THIS PRIVACY POLICY BECAUSE BY YOUR USE OF THIS SITE AND ITS SERVICES YOU WILL BE EXPRESSLY SIGNIFYING THAT YOU AGREE TO THIS POLICY AND THAT YOU ASSENT TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING THE USE OF ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION THAT YOU SUPPLY OR THAT IS COLLECTED ABOUT YOU AS DETAILED IN THIS PRIVACY POLICY. IF YOU DO NOT EXPRESSLY AGREE WITH ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS PRIVACY POLICY YOU SHOULD NOT USE THIS SITE OR ITS SERVICES.


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Institutional Price Action (I.P.A) - Paul Devine (Stage 2)

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Click Link for Promo Video!

Additional Payment Methods: 

Zelle: (470) 855-5757

To Send a Check or Money Order: 

  • Edgewater Education
    PO Box 182
    Marysville, OH 43040

For information about payment plans, schedule a call: https://edgewateredu.simplybook.me/v2/

What You Get!

Learn to…

  1. Read Price Action from an Institutional Perspective
  2. Understand How the Market Maker Delivers Price
  3. Recognize Institutional Order Flow and When it is Relevant
  4. Forecast the likely Bias for the Week, Day, and Intraday Sessions
  5. Develop the skills to effectively Read Price and find Setups That Repeat


Learn to read Price Action like ‘Smart Money’ does by understanding how the Market Maker delivers price. This program will integrate the brilliant mind of Michael Huddleston (through his 2022 ICT Mentorship Series) with custom practice assignments developed by Coach Paul to facilitate your learning of the materials and skills required. Throughout this journey we will not use any indicators, just traditional candlesticks…and that is all we need! However, once you learn this skillset, you can integrate your preferred indicators as you wish.


Uncover the Secrets of Institutional Price Action with I.P.A. Program!

Are you fascinated by the intricate dance of financial markets? Do you have the dedication to learn a new language and cultivate skills that will last a lifetime in the world of trading? If so, you're in the right place!


Embark on a Transformative Journey:

Join our Institutional Price Action (I.P.A.) Program, a comprehensive 6-month training initiative designed for individuals like you. This program is not just about strategies; it's about decoding the language of institutional price action and mastering skills that will pave your way to success in the dynamic world of trading and reading price action across any market and any time frame.


What Does the I.P.A. Program Offer?

In this program, we dive deep into the brilliant mind of Michael J. Huddleston (aka. The Inner Circle Trader) through his 2022 ICT Mentorship Series, unraveling the intricacies of reading Price Action from an institutional perspective. Our 6-month journey is divided into two stages, each spanning 3 months (12 weeks) and comprising 2 sessions per week where we cover 41 educational videos and host 49 sessions in a small interactive group format. Through our weekly class sessions, workshops, and weekly market prep sessions, we will learn to read Price Action like 'Smart Money' does by understanding how the Market Maker delivers price.


Unique Approach – No Indicators, Just Traditional Candlesticks:

Throughout this journey, we embrace simplicity. No need for indicators – just traditional candlesticks. Learn to decipher the market's language and anticipate its moves using the timeless methods employed by 'Smart Money.'